Training Articles

Gold Gym Era: The Golden Age of Bodybuilding in the 60s and 70s

The world of bodybuilding has undergone tremendous transformations over the decades, but one era stands out for its profound impact and cultural significance: the Golden Age of Bodybuilding in the late 60s and 70s. This period, often referred to as the "Gold's Gym Era," marks the time when bodybuilding transcended from a niche activity to a global phenomenon. Let's delve into the rich history, iconic figures, and enduring legacy of this pivotal era.

A Holistic Approach to Training

In the vast and dynamic landscape of fitness, it's easy to get lost in the sea of training methodologies, nutritional strategies, and wellness trends.


Unveiling the Power of Compound Movements: Building Strength and Functionality

Training & Recovery

Embarking on a fitness journey often involves a delicate balance between pushing your limits and allowing your body the essential time to recover. The interplay of intensity and recovery is the cornerstone of sustainable fitness, ensuring not only progress but also the longevity of your well-being.

Effective Strategies for Balanced Strength Development

In the pursuit of strength, it's essential to adopt strategies that foster well-rounded development across various muscle groups.

Training Frequency Conundrum

Decoding the Training Frequency Conundrum for Maximum Gains

Deadlifting with a Mixed Grip

I have been deadlifting since I was 17, and I have a mixed relationship with the mixed grip.

Dreading Home Workouts

There was a time I had no time for the gym. So, I came up with ineffective solutions.

Running and Lifting Weights

After I quit smoking, I wanted to start incorporating running into my daily schedule.

Building bigger calves?

Bigger calves seem to not do any harm.

Benching but not for Competition

Flat bench press has been the go-to exercise for building strength and a massive gorilla chest. But if you're not competing, is it really the best option?

Can I Train Arms Bro?

We are familiar with a lot of good programs, don't we? Things like the Juggernaut method or 5/3/1. But not a lot of programs have bodybuilding stuff in them.

Adapting vs Forcing Progress

Starting Strenght has been very influental and got many people into training. Mainly thanks to its simple to understand progression logic. But is it the best?

Powerlifting Style Bench

Do I just bench like what comes natural to me or can doing things differently help?

RPE(Rating of Perceived) RIR(Repetitions in Reserve)

RPE (rate of perceived exertion) is used for estimating the difficulty level of a physical activity. Lately, some programs utilize RPE instead of percentage-based calculations like on 5/3/1.

Abandoning Novice Linear Progression

What to do then you can't add five pounds to your lifts anymore. Moving towards the ending of Starting Strength / Stronglifts (5x5) and what to do when you hit a wall.