Training Templates

The Overpass

The Overpass

Medium intensity & frequency, long-term focused, intermediate training template. Following novice programs.

Block A
barbell incline bench press(wide grip)
parallel bar dip(chest dip)
barbell overhead lying tricep extension

Block B
barbell back squat(low/hi-bar)
barbell overhead press
standing calf raise

Block C
barbell conventional deadlift
barbell row / pendlay row / pull up
barbell curl / ez-bar curl(narrow grip)

*Slash means "or".

This is a program I wrote some time ago with flexibility in mind. I know that most of us cannot be very precise with our gym schedule and we need a program that can take us being a bit irresponsible sometimes.

Day A/B/C is not assigned to a specific day of the week. Although they should be in order. And if you need to take 5 days off because you have other things to do, it's fine.

Normally however I would rest around 72 hours between workouts.
It would look like,
Block (A + B): Monday
Block (A + C): Thursday
Block (B + C): Sunday
Block (A + B): Wednesday
Block (A + C): Saturday
Block (B + C): Tuesday
Block (A + B): Monday

In case you can recover with 48 hours rest, block pairs and days they're assigned to won't change. If you take two days off on weekends, which is pretty cool.

Block (A + B): Monday
Block (A + C): Wednesday
Block (B + C): Friday
Block (A + B): Monday

Five sets for compound exercises, two for isolation exercises.
You can alternate from (RPE 8 & RIR 2) to (RPE 6 & RIR 2) week to week.
It is recommended that you have a deload week once every 20 - 45 days.

Important Disclaimer:

Please be advised that I am not a licensed medical professional or a certified fitness trainer. The information presented on this blog is solely for informational purposes and should not be misconstrued as medical advice. Before embarking on any new exercise regimen, way of performing an exercise or dietary changes, it is crucial to seek guidance from your healthcare provider. Always prioritize your physical well-being and discontinue any activity that causes discomfort or pain. This blog serves as a platform for sharing personal experiences and perspectives, not as a substitute for professional medical or fitness advice. Please exercise due diligence and consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine.

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