
Counting Calories

Counting Calories

After my fourth attempt, I feel like now I understand my fellow gymbros. Counting calories is hard and sometimes doesn't worth it, maybe?

Back in the day when I was doing nothing hanging around the house, I learned this "trick" of counting calories from some popular fitness website. So I went ahead and memorized all there is to memorize and I had the amazing ability to look at my plate and tell how much it was roughly. In the article, it said that going 500 calories above my maintenance level would be enough to get big but not soft. As a skinny teenager that was exactly what I wanted.

But nowadays while I am trying to build a career, it seems too much work to estimate it and then take my phone and write it down. But I was determined to at least try. So I forced myself to keep a log, and I did it for two weeks successfully. However, there was one problem. Knowing how many calories I eat every day did not change how many calories I was eating. Because I eat whenever I could and whatever I could find in the fridge. And whenever I was outside I just ate fast food. You would think knowing it would force me to regulate my eating habits and in a way it did but that did not amount to anything. I understand that when my daily life is chaotic it doesn't matter what I wanna do and like many others I cannot prioritize my gym-life over my career.

So that's all gloom and doom, any good news? Well, yeah sure. I think food selection can be a good option. I know that's hard too but manageable. Even when I am outside I can opt for foods that don't have too many calories in them. And whenever I am at the grocery store I just buy veggies and meat. Although I won't hit my target every single day, I will tip the balance a bit. For instance, if I am on surplus for four days in a week but I just cannot manage to eat enough for three days. I count that "week" as a surplus week and as a win. Especially because our bodies don't have a 24-hour clock and don't care about our "daily" caloric intake.
I have been doing this for a week or two with some success, I will update whenever I can.

There is one more method I like and have used in the past is what I call "The Dot Method"
The way it works is quite simple. I assign a dot value to everything I eat or drink. A snack(~50 cals.) may be around 1 dot. A deluxe McDonald's menu may be 10 dots. It is anything but precise but at least it is a way of tracking calories. It doesn't matter how many times a day I eat, whenever I eat though I add dots. And It is not even daily in my mind. It is either weekly or three-day intervals. The way to construct this goes a bit like this; I keep a weekly log let's assume. I also need to track my weight(in the morning after the bathroom) if 140 dots(weekly) is my maintenance level I drop it to 120 and see what happens and make adjustments from there if needed.

Important Disclaimer:

Please be advised that I am not a licensed medical professional or a certified fitness trainer. The information presented on this blog is solely for informational purposes and should not be misconstrued as medical advice. Before embarking on any new exercise regimen, way of performing an exercise or dietary changes, it is crucial to seek guidance from your healthcare provider. Always prioritize your physical well-being and discontinue any activity that causes discomfort or pain. This blog serves as a platform for sharing personal experiences and perspectives, not as a substitute for professional medical or fitness advice. Please exercise due diligence and consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine.

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